With the second wave of Covid-19 spreading throughout Canada, protecting ourselves and our patrons is more important than ever. One of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in stores is by enforcing mask usage and putting up barriers. An easy barrier to put in place is service window glass.
Service Window Glass
Service windows, such as those at the bank or a ticket booth, are well known throughout the country. We have all gone to a service window one time or many. The thing is, any service counter can suddenly become a service window. All you need is some service window glass.
Limit Contact
By putting up service window glass at a check-out or check-in counter, we limit contact with the general public. Items must be passed beneath the window, ensuring there is no unexpected contact with a patron.
Physical contact is one of many ways that Covid-19 can spread. By ensuring employees only come into contact with the objects being passed under a service window, you can better control how they’re touched. Employees can wear gloves to guarantee they don’t come into contact with Covid-19 that has been passed under on an object. The counter and glass can be sterilized between customers and gloves can be changed out as needed.
Air Barrier
Even more dangerous than the probability of contracting Covid-19 through secondhand surface touching is the probability of catching it through the air. Because Covid-19 is an airborne virus, it is passed between people through droplets in the air. This is frequently misunderstood to mean only large droplets, such as in a sneeze. While a sneeze is a high risk way to catch Covid-19, we must remember that just breathing near each other can pass the virus.
Moisture hangs in the air all the time. When it’s humid outside, the air is filled with moisture. When someone exhales, they breathe out moisture from their lungs. If this moisture is breathed out in the same vicinity as someone else, that other person can inhale the infected particulates from the air.
Putting up a glass window between employees and patrons keeps infected particulates from reaching the other side of the glass, protecting employees and their breathing space.
Combine with Masks
However, service window glass isn’t the only thing we should be doing to protect ourselves from Covid-19. By having employees wear masks as well, behind the service window, you double the protection from Covid-19. Should any infected particulates end up on the other side of the service window, your employee will also have their air filtered through their mask. Those infected particulates’ journey will end as soon as they hit the front of a mask. Everybody wins.
Buy Service Window Glass
If you’re looking to put up a barrier in your store or business, Aluplex is the place to go. We can provide high quality glass with custom cuts and sizes, just right for your business. Give us a call if you have questions about how to order.