Bathrooms generally come in two flavors: near and dear to our hearts, or something to endure. A lot of what determines which flavor your bathroom is is how much you’ve customized it. A personalized bathroom is one that caters to your every need. The first step to personalizing your bathroom and making it a space to enjoy is customizing it. So, check out the different ways you can get custom shower enclosures in Toronto
To Frame or Not To Frame
The first step in personalizing your bathroom is determining whether you’re a framed or frameless shower enclosure kind of person. Having a frame on your shower can make it more affordable, but also less attractive. While some frames come in sleek designs, most are utilitarian and detract from the overall look. Frameless shower enclosures, on the other hand, appear more classy. The lack of frame allows more flow between panels.
One of the reasons framed shower enclosures exist is because they allow the use of more fragile glass. The glass may be less pure (i.e. more breakable) or thinner (also more breakable). Frameless shower enclosures usually cost a bit more, as the glass is often much thicker, sturdier, and able to be drilled through to attach metal brackets.
Size Matters
When it comes to shower enclosures, size does matter. If you’re a fully grown adult, you’ve almost certainly showered, at least once or twice, in a shower that was too small. Bumping into the walls or curtain while trying to wash is a huge pain. Give yourself ample shower space by purchasing a larger shower enclosure.
Often times, bathrooms have plenty of space for larger enclosures, but don’t have them because of size standards. When you shop for a shower enclosure from Aluplex, you’re not limited to standard enclosure sizes. We specialize in manufacturing and cutting glass. Therefore, we can provide you with an enclosure that uses the maximum amount of bathroom space available for your shower.
High Quality Glass
Because we specialize in glass, you can be sure all of our custom glass shower enclosures are high quality. Unlike hardware stores that sell cheap enclosure parts that break easily, our enclosures are made to last. The same glass that’s used for windows and made to withstand storms and outdoor debris can handle your day to day showering routine with ease.
Easy to Order From Aluplex
You might worry that buying a custom shower enclosure is more complicated than getting a prefabricated one. However, when buying from Aluplex, the process is simple. When you contact us with your custom shower enclosure needs, we can get started on producing your shower enclosure right away. All we need to know are the dimensions of the enclosure you’re after. If you’re not sure what dimensions you need, we can work with you to get the answer with as little hassle as possible.
In the end, it’s only a couple steps more than buying a prefabricated shower enclosure, with many years of payoff. Give us a call today if you’re considering investing in a custom shower enclosure. We’ll happily give you a quote and answer any questions you have.